The law firm of Coghlan Crowson, LLP is pleased to announce the addition of a new Partner,
Ann Weissmann. Mrs. Weissmann has practiced with Coghlan Crowson, LLP in the role of
Senior Associate since 2018 and has now earned the role of Partner. She obtained her law
degree from Loyola University, College of Law in 2003. She holds law licenses in Texas,
Louisiana, and Alabama. Her primary areas of practice are probate and estate planning as well
as oil, gas, and mineral law. The law firm represents clients throughout Texas in oil, gas and
mineral law, complex litigation, and probate and estate planning. Mrs. Weissmann is accepting
new clients. She may be reached at (903) 758-5543 or
New Workplace Violence Reporting Notice for Texas Employers
As part of the Eighty-Eighth Legislature, the Texas legislature passed House Bill No. 915 (“HB 915”), which created Chapter 104A of the Texas Labor...